A root canal cost in the Philippines is not really that expensive. It’s actually quite affordable when you think about it. So, why would even worry about the root canal cost if it doesn’t even ask that much from the patient? Well, like many dental services today, a root canal may have precautions you should remember. Precautions that may result in more money being asked from the patient.

This article will try and answer the most important questions regarding a root canal starting with its price. It’ll talk about the services and why it’s important, a few additional information after the service and more.

The Root Canal Cost in the Country

The average root canal cost in Manila alone is Php 6,000. You may ask yourself “how is that affordable?” Yes, Php 6,000 sounds expensive for a single dental service but the price is actually not far off from a wisdom tooth extraction.

Another thing that a patient must remember is that the given price will change from one dental clinic to another. Don’t expect for one dental clinic to have the same priced service as the other. However, you can expect these different dental clinics to stay close to the average root canal cost.

Related: The Price of a Root Canal Service in 2017

How Is A Root Canal Service Important?

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If you’ve never heard of what a root canal therapy or treatment is, then chances are you’ve never had a problem that only the latter can fix.

Basically, a root canal therapy involves the dentist cleaning out a tooth’s infected pulp. This infected pulp needs to be cleaned out because it causes the patient severe pain from within.

Here are some of the reasons why a pulp gets infected:

  • Tooth Cracking – when a tooth experiences physical injury, it tends to expose the pulp from within. This makes it susceptible to any microbial invasion that causes infection.
  • Tooth Decay – tooth decay eats through the enamel and dentin like it was sugar. The pulp gets infected once the decay reaches it.
  • Pulp Damage – any type of damage that harms the pulp makes it susceptible to infection.

A root canal therapy does offer another alternative to a tooth extraction service, a procedure that should never be the first

A Root Canal Procedure

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Here is a basic rundown of how a dentist cleans out the infected pulp in your teeth.

  • First, the dentist makes an entry hole for the instruments to enter. There will be a couple of these entry holes to ensure that every angle of the tooth reachable.
  • With the use of root canal instruments, the dentist will start cleaning out the pulp. The instruments will range from different sizes as the pulp is being cleaned out.
  • Once the teeth are cleaned out of its pulp, the dentist will make a few finishing touches to ensure that every part of the tooth is cleaned out. Water is used to clean out any of the debris left from the previous step.
  • The tooth is then sealed with the use of gutta-percha and standard dental filings. The former will be placed first deep into the tooth and the filling is used to seal the exterior holes made to enter the tooth.

The final phases of service mostly happen in the second appointment as the tooth is given to rest after the procedure.

After The Procedure

For the first few days or even week after the procedure, your dentist will advise you to take it easy on the tooth. Minimize chewing on hard consumables and take over-the-counter pain relievers when the tooth is causing you pain.

Aside from all of the methods mentioned above, make sure to keep practicing a good oral hygiene when you can.

It’s best to consult your dentist after the procedure on any possible actions you might make to avoid any complications.

A Few Precautions

The pulp of a tooth contains the nerves that pump blood into the tooth. This means that part of the reason why our teeth are so tough is that of the nerves from within. So, cleaning out an infected pulp will mean that the tooth is now considerably weaker than it is. Don’t be surprised that the tooth is now more susceptible to chipping than before.

A tooth will also lose its color and natural shine if the infection proved to be severe. In cases like these, it’s best that you start consulting with your dentist on what to do next. In most cases, your dentist will say that a dental crown is the best answer to such a problem.

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Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are false teeth that are used to cap off a severely damaged or, in this case, a brittle tooth.

These crowns are made from a variety of materials such as porcelain, zirconia, ceramic, metal, gold, and more.

Here are some of the major benefits of a dental crown:

  • Aesthetic – a dental crown improves the previous look of a tooth that it’s capped on. This means that it’s capable of fixing the shape and color of a tooth.
  • Longevity – the average lifespan of a dental crown is over a decade. Getting one now means that you’re set for the next ten years until you’re obligated to get a new one.
  • Affordable – the standard choice for a dental crown is porcelain. A porcelain crown is made relatively affordable and easily accessible by patients who want to pay for the service.
  • Choice – as mentioned before, a dental crown can come in a variety of material. This offers the patient a series of choices that they can adjust their budget and time with.

Porcelain crowns are a much more accessible due to their abundance and popularity. Make sure to start out with it when it’s your first time with a dental crown.


To avoid any complications along the way, make sure to visit your dentist for an examination. Following a routine of dental visits helps you and your teeth a lot more than you can ever imagine. Always try and have your teeth checked once every six months to make sure that it’s not under the threat of a microbial invasion.