The cost of a wisdom tooth extraction in Manila can be expensive depending on how your third molar has positioned itself. Compared to a routine tooth extraction, removing a wisdom tooth is much pricier because it falls within the realm of surgery. Also, having an impacted wisdom tooth extracted is more of a necessity than an option. There are many ways to save a natural tooth, but there are only a few options to deal with an impacted third molar. This article will talk about the cost of a wisdom tooth extraction in Manila and more about the service.

What Is The Cost of a Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Manila?

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The cost of a wisdom tooth extraction in Manila is around Php 2,000 – Php 8,000. The price given is a mere estimate as to how most dental clinic price the service. This does mean that each dental clinic you go to will have a different amount to offer. These are just one of the many factors that affect the price of the procedure.

As for the service itself, it is essential that you consult your dentist on whether or not you need it. Why? An impacted wisdom tooth can affect your oral health if you leave it be. Don’t fall victim to negligence thinking that just because it doesn’t hurt now means everything is okay. You will start to notice a few significant changes when your wisdom tooth has become impacted.

Why Should You Have An Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extracted?

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To make things clear, if your wisdom tooth has erupted without any issue, then you have nothing to worry about. However, most of the time, your wisdom tooth will become impacted. Here are the main reasons why it’s essential to have it removed:

  • Bad Breath – you’ll start to notice that one side of your mouth will produce a very distinct and unpleasant odor. You can brush it off, but the smell will come back in just a few minutes.
  • Sensitive Teeth – aside from bad breath, an impacted wisdom tooth will cause one of your molars to become sensitive to pressure. You’ll find it quite difficult to chew on that side of your teeth.
  • Tender Gums – once your wisdom tooth has become impacted, the gums around it will start become sore and swollen. You can feel it with your tongue and see how different it is compared to the other side of your teeth.

Is A Wisdom Tooth Extraction Painful?

No, it is not. The use of an anesthetic during the surgery will help quell any pain felt on your teeth. The same goes for any dental procedure that involves surgery. You need not worry about the pain because your dentist will take care of your welfare.

When Should You Have A Wisdom Tooth Removed?

Your wisdom tooth starts to grow around the age of 18. It’s called a wisdom tooth because it comes at a time where you a become an adult.

To know if it’s impacted or not, you must visit your dentist first. During the examination, an x-ray is used to determine if the wisdom tooth needs to be extracted or not. It’s recommended to visit your dentist a few months or even weeks after the wisdom tooth has sprouted. Going in too early only gives you a perspective on the current state of the tooth.

What Should You Do After A Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

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Here are the main points to keep in mind after having your wisdom tooth extracted:

  • Cold Therapy – take a cold pack or a few ice cubes wrapped in a towel and gently place it on the affected area of the extraction. This is to help control the swelling and keep the pain manageable. Make sure to do this in one-hour intervals, i.e., an hour off and an hour on.
  • Heat Therapya couple of days after the surgery, you should start switching over to heat. Take a heat pack and gently press it on the affected area. Make sure that you follow the same intervals that you did with the cold pack a few days earlier.
  • Stick To Soft Foods For Nowtry yogurt or mash for the first few days. While in recovery, you will start to notice that you’re not able to open your mouth entirely so it’s advised stick to these kinds of foods at first.
  • Your Stitchingdon’t forget to have your sutures removed five-six days after the surgery.


The biggest take away from this article is that consulting your dentist about specific issues regarding your oral health is the best course of action you should take. Doing so will give you the information needed to make the right decision on what to do next.