A TMJ specialist in Makati is quite hard to find since specializing in the disorder is not an official one. Treating a TMJ disorder can either be done in a single day or more. Since there are a lot of methods you can try to address the problem, looking for a specialist is not an immediate necessity. However, it does help to know who to go to when you do experience the issue; it’ll help you save the time and effort of doing so. This article will talk about the possible things you can try to look for a TMJ specialist in Makati.

How Do You Find A TMJ Specialist in Makati?

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Remember, a TMJ specialist in Makati can come from some medical professions. However, you can also try any message or physical areas in Makati to see if they treat the problem. Here are three possible specialists you can approach:

  • Hospital – when it’s a health issue, then the safest bet you have is to go to your hospital. The variety of doctors that work in that location can give you an insight as to how to treat and avoid the problem. Most of the time, they will provide you with a prescription for a few over-the-counter medicines you can take.
  • Physical Therapistthere is a known method to treat a TMJ disorder which involves massaging the affected area. It almost resembles a neck massage, but it targets the lower jaw area. For this, you’re going to have to go to a physical therapist. They know a lot about your body and how to treat physical pains like a TMJ disorder.
  • Dentistyes, there are certain dental practitioners today that study TMJ treatment. Of course, not every dentist in Makati offers the service so make sure that you do your research on it. Dental clinics today do tend to advertise that they treat the problem, so looking for one may not even be very difficult for your part.

Related: More About The Causes of TMJ 

What Causes a TMJ Disorder In The First Place?

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Your TMJ (or temporomandibular joint) is located at the back of your jaw and is what keeps it attached to your skull. Since it’s a muscle, your TMJ can experience stress through the following:

  • Grinding Your Teeth – when you grind your teeth, you’re not only risking dental damage, but you’re also putting pressure on your TMJ. Excessive teeth grinding can cause a TMJ disorder.
  • Excessive Gum Chewingtry not to chew gum on a daily basis, it continually puts your jaw muscles at work, and it increases the risk of getting a TMJ disorder. Take it easy and chew gum at least once every few days.
  • Stress or Anxietyexperiencing high levels of stress or anxiety will cause you to clench your jaw muscles involuntarily. If you go through stress every day, then it’s recommended to take the necessary steps on avoiding it.

What Are The Different Treatments for a TMJ Disorder

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Even though there are many ways you can treat a TMJ disorder when you boil it all down, it all falls into three kinds of methods:

  • Home Remediesthe most common home remedy to address the problem involves a few jaw exercises. Make sure to visit your physical therapist to see how to do these exercises correctly. You can also try heat or cold treatments which are said to work for mild cases of the problem.
  • Medicineover-the-counter medicine like ibuprofen are useful since they are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These are a mainstay for treating the problem. Furthermore, you can try muscle relaxants to fight that pain felt caused by the disorder.
  • Clinical Methodsthese are methods done inside a clinic. Dentists usually offer these kinds of treatments. You should only go for this approach if your situation has gone worse. Clinical methods for treating TMJ disorders are expensive but effective.

Which One Should You Go For?

It’s important to remember that you don’t immediately start with a severe case of a TMJ disorder. You’ll always start out with a mild disorder that only causes pain and maybe limits your jaw movements.

The only reason that a TMJ disorder grows worse is due to the individual doing the same things that caused the problem in the first place. In these situations, you must start out small with said exercised but if it does grow worse then make sure to take your meds and consult your specialist.


Make sure that you consult with your specialist to know more about the problem. Doing so will give you the insight and information needed on what to do next.