If you frequent the internet looking for dental procedures to replace a missing tooth, then you’ve undoubtedly heard of a dental implant in Manila. You’ve probably read how its one of the best services that fix a missing tooth, better than all of its alternatives. However, what even makes a dental implant in Manila special? What does it have and what can it do that none of its alternatives can? Well, this article will try and explore that and more. It will go over the benefits of the said product, its price, and the alternatives that are currently offered by dentists.


Benefits of a Dental Implant in Manila

First of all, the biggest benefit that a dental implant in Manila has for its user is the prevention of bone loss. The latter is a problem that becomes evident when a tooth is removed. Of course, the problem isn’t seen overnight or even in a couple of months. However, as the years go by, the bone around the missing tooth will begin to recede. Too many missing teeth will cause your entire jaw to recede after a number of years.

A dental implant in Manila can effectively stop bone loss since it replaces a tooth from crown all the way to the root. No other alternative of the service is able to prevent this problem.

Another problem that a dental implant can fix is the misalignment. This is caused by having a missing tooth. Teeth can drift out of place when it’s not a full set. However, by getting a dental implant, this problem can be avoided.

Durability and Longevity

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Another benefit that a dental implant has over its alternatives is durability and longevity.

A dental implant was made to last a lifetime. Once it’s placed in your jaw, the patient can expect it to stay there for all time. This is an achievement that none of its alternatives can achieve. The best that a set of dentures can do is 5 – 7 years.

As for its durability, a single dental implant is made out of titanium. It’s also placed in the jawbone itself which means that it’s far from any external harm. However, do know that the dental crown placed on top of the root implant is still subject to the same features that an original crown has.

Comfort and Convenience

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When compared to products like dentures, a dental implant doesn’t require special maintenance. It doesn’t need to be taken out and cleaned separately. Instead, since it’s placed inside your jaw bone, you don’t need to do anything at all. All you have to do is treat the dental crown on top of the implant like a normal tooth.

Ceramic Implants

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This is more of a choice than a benefit. However, it’s still worth knowing that a dental implant has a non-metal alternative that still has the same amount of benefits. This is perfect for those that don’t like the idea of inserting something made out metal in their mouth.

The downsides, however, is that it may not be as durable as a dental implant made out of titanium. This means that it doesn’t have the same longevity as the original.

The Price of a Dental Implant  

One of the biggest downsides to a dental implant in Manila is its price. It’s expensive and it may out of everyone’s budget.

The price of a dental implant is around Php 50,000. It’s that expensive. To make things worse, since a dental implant requires enough bone to be placed in, those who have suffered from bone loss too badly may not be able to get the product. In order to do so, the patient must first undergo a bone grafting service.

A bone grafting service involves the use of a bone graft to restore a small amount of bones loss. Sadly, the service can’t save those who have suffered too much from the problem. A bone grafting service can cost MORE THAN Php 20,000. This is a separate payment for getting the implant itself.

The Cheaper Alternatives

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If you can’t afford a dental implant, then you can always pay for the alternatives. Currently, there are two cheaper alternatives to the product:

  • Dentures – dentures are the most affordable tooth replacement product today. A set of full dentures is priced at around or less than Php 20,000. Partial dentures are cheaper. However, by paying less, you’re also getting a lot of downsides. These include:
    • Discomfort for first-time users of the product.
    • The product has to be separately cleaned after every meal.
    • First-time users will have a hard time keeping it in place as it tends to move around when chewing and talking.
  • Dental Bridges – a dental bridge is the better version of dentures since it takes up less space than the latter. It involves the use of a full false tooth anchored by two dental crowns. It rids of all downsides found in a set of dentures but it does not prevent bone loss.

What You Should Pick

Well, if you have the budget to afford a dental implant, then go for it. However, it’s always advised to see if you have the right amount of bone to hold the product.

If you don’t, then the alternatives aren’t too bad either. They may not have the same degree of features found in a dental implant but they’re still worth the money.

At the end of the day, it’s all about preference and budget. The two of which must always be remembered as a process when picking the right rental service for you.


Of course, you can always visit and consult your dentist first. No procedure can start without a simple consultation and examination from your dentist. Through this, you will know whether or not you’re viable for a dental implant or if you need a bone graft first.

Always remember to consult a dentist before paying for a service right away. The last thing you want is to regret paying and going through the procedure. Following this simple routine, and everything will turn out okay for you.